5 Best Homemade Scrub For Oily Skin (for teenage girls)

5 Best Homemade Scrub For Oily Skin (for teenage girls)

Are you looking for the best face scrubs for oily skin but want to stay away from chemicals in store-bought items? Making homemade scrubs for oily skin using basic household ingredients is simple. Just remember that using a facial scrub 2 to 3 times per week takes care of the issue. Cleaning too much could damage your skin. In this article, we are going to discuss the best face scrubs for oily skin that make your skin clean and prevent any damage.

Taking care of oily skin is difficult. Additionally, it can be difficult to find the correct products that fulfil the specific needs of this skin type. But the Homemade scrubs for oily skin can end your worries. These homemade scrubs will clean your skin and help you reach healthy skin.

Anyone fascinated by skincare and cosmetics knows that getting rid of dead skin cells and extra oil from the skin is essential in preventing acne and pimples. The Homemade scrubs are made specifically to fix these problems and prevent additional skin damage. They are also extremely cost-effective and free of chemicals.

Scroll down to create your personalized scrub in your kitchen. Find out by reading on!

Five Best Homemade Scrub For Oily Skin

  1. Sugar And Honey Scrub:

A great combo for cleaning your skin organically is sugar and honey. Due to its antibacterial and hygienic qualities, as well as its natural humectant that helps to lock in moisture without making your skin oily, honey is usually applied in skincare products. However, Granules of sugar help in physically removing dead skin. Your skin will be nice and soft after using this homemade scrub for oily skin, which also unclogs pores.

Add 1 teaspoon of honey to 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
After combining the ingredients, gently scrub your face in circular motions.
After letting it absorb your skin for five minutes, wash it off with water.
Use this homemade scrub for oily skin twice weekly for the best results.

  1. Orange Peel And Yogurt Scrub

Another ingredient that is fantastic for oily skin is tomato! Tomatoes are good sources of vitamin C and have astringent qualities that can help bring out extra oil from the skin. This Homemade scrub for oily skin can help remove the dead and reduce extra oil.

Mix 1 tomato pulp and 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Apply this mixture to your face and give it a gentle massage for a few minutes.
Wash your face.
Do not add sugar if you have sensitive skin.
You could also directly apply the tomato pulp to your face.

Homemade Scrub For Oily Skin (for teenage girls)
  1. Red Lentils Scrub

You might be surprised to know that red lentils, also known as masoor dal, are the best natural exfoliant that helps remove dead skin cells from your face. They not only contain an incredible number of vitamins but also help treat skin conditions, including acne, tanning, and pigmentation.

Mix 1 tablespoon of red lentil powder, 1 teaspoon of curd, and a small quantity of turmeric powder.
Use this paste to gently massage your face for 2 minutes.
Use water to wash it off, then pat your skin dry.

  1. Apple & Oatmeal Scrub

Apple is a great food for the skin and is very healthy. In addition to keeping your skin hydrated, it works as an exfoliator, shines your skin, and helps treat acne. It works well for your skin when combined with oatmeal! Check out the oatmeal and homemade apple scrub for oily skin that is given below.

Mix Oatmeal and 1/2 cup grated apple. Mix well after adding 1 tablespoon of honey.
Use this mixture to gently massage your face for a few minutes.
After that, wash your face with water.

Best Homemade Scrub For Oily Skin (for teenage girls)
  1. Cucumber Scrub

Cucumber is well known for its beneficial effects on skin irritation and acne-prone skin. It can reduce pore size, clean the skin, and treat acne. In addition, it feels incredibly cold and energising on your skin. To benefit from cucumber’s benefits for the skin, try this simple Diy scrub for oily skin.

Grate a cucumber.
Apply grated cucumber to the face and gently massage upward in 3-minute intervals.
Once finished, gently massage your skin dry before washing the cucumber off with water.

Scrubs made at home for oily skin can be made easily and effectively. The skin can refresh by using these scrubs regularly. As these scrubs are made with natural ingredients, there are no side effects, and they can be made in just a few minutes. Try including these scrubs into your skincare routine 2 to 3 times per week to get glowing skin.