5 Ways to Stay in Touch with School Friends While In College

Top Ways to Stay in Touch with School Friends While In College

Starting a new college may require you to say goodbye to many people who have been a part of your life for a long time, including your parents, best friends, important others, pets, and many more. Of course, you’ll make many new friends and connections at your new school, but that doesn’t mean your old support network has to be replaced. Many options exist for keeping in touch with loved ones while going to college. Here are a few ideas of how to maintain the distance:

Starting your life as a college student usually includes living away from home. We say goodbye to our friends, family, and comfortable surroundings back at home. However, friendships made at school are unique relationships because some of them have stayed strong for as long as we can remember.

From school to our senior year of high school, there are those people with whom we have lived every moment. But does the fact that we are splitting as we transfer to different colleges mean that our lovely relationship is over? No, for sure not. Finding good friends and companions who stay by you through the years and know you better than you know yourself is difficult. Never let go of them, ever. However, college life is difficult; it is not a piece of cake.

Additionally, most students’ biggest concern about leaving their high school pals behind when they enter college is this. But now that we live in a time when the world has become a village, it is far simpler than ever—not even in the days of our parents—to stay in touch with those who are important. So, friends, cheer up because we have provided tips on keeping in touch with high school buddies while in college.

5 Ways to Stay in Touch with School Friends While In College

Five Ways to Stay in Touch with School Friends While In College

1) Social Media:
Social media is one of the best gifts that the internet has given to young people in our era. Use social networking services to stay in touch with your friends. Even if they are not in daily contact, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram connect users and engage in the lives of their loved ones.

People now use these social media platforms to publish almost every major moment in their lives, from booking a hotel room while on vacation to sharing photos of a night out with friends. Or even a random click on a traditional college day. Your friends are connected to you and aware of the events in everyday life, as shown by likes and comments on posts.

2) Video Calling:
Video calling is a great additional method for keeping in touch with friends. Social media updates, emails, chats, and in-person interactions with friends can’t compare to how attractive they are. The best thing is to have the opportunity to tease them in person rather than only using emojis to express our feelings.

And video chats like FaceTime, Google Duo, Snapchat, Skype, and even WhatsApp video calls let you do just that. Our lives are much simpler due to these apps. During video conversations, you may also show your pals your new accommodation and the college campus. It’s much more enjoyable than conversing and picturing your friends’ emotions and attitudes based on their words.

3) Connect During The Holidays:
Although some of you may be lucky enough to attend colleges in the same city, not all of us are as lucky. You and your friend will likely end up in different parts of the country, or one of you may choose to pursue higher education abroad.

When you are busy with college studies, staying in touch with your pals during such circumstances can be a little challenging. Therefore, spending time together over the holidays is the greatest way to keep in touch with friends who live far away. During the long holiday holidays, most students return home. Therefore, no matter how busy your schedule is, you can always take a few hours to catch up with old friends.

4) Set up a Talk Time:
Set a specific time in advance for catching up. It may occur on a particular night of the week or even at an exact hour every day. You’ll have something to look forward to during the week if you schedule a time in advance. That Talk Time becomes special when a specific time is set.

You know that you and your loved one save that time of day for one other. However, to make this work, you must be committed to keeping the date or informing your friend or relative in advance if you must cancel.

5) Be Understanding:
Not to mention, it’s important to understand your friend’s new life. You are no longer in high school, where you shared every moment of life, and are now leading separate lives. You have many responsibilities and extracurricular activities to participate in while in college.

Not all of you may have the same free time or schedule to chat and actively reply to your friends’ messages. Accept that your life has changed and that you might not always be there for each other, but understand that they will be there for you when you’re going through tough times or whenever you need them most.

Things will get more difficult and time-consuming as you go through life. You’ll have less and less time for your loved ones and yourself. However, take care to keep in touch with them at all times. Take short breaks, even text your friends if you can’t call them. Try to plan a time to meet once every three months or so. It will help you forge friendships that will stay long after you graduate from college.