7 positive connections between good sleep and beautiful skin

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book
positive connections between good sleep and beautiful skin

Just as the body needs food and water to perform various biological functions, it also needs six to eight hours of restful sleep to perform its vital functions. Good sleep makes us alert, positive, gives us lots of energy to think creatively and work effectively. In addition, undisturbed sleep makes for a clear, radiant, and healthy complexion.

Here are seven positive correlations between good sleep and beauty.

Prevents Ageing

When the body rests, our cells and tissues go through a process of self-renewal, replacing dead cells with new ones. Research shows that during the deepest hours of sleep, the production of two hormones, insulin and cortisol, which in turn stimulate the production of collagen, decreases. Collagen is the building material of our skin and makes skin cells firm and elastic. In addition, collagen helps repair skin damage caused by pollution and the sun, which is one of the main causes of skin ageing.

So, go to bed early and give yourself at least seven hours of sleep to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and other signs of ageing and get the same effect as a non-surgical facelift.

Prevent Acne

Lack of sleep is one of the main causes of acne as it increases the production of cytokines. These are inflammatory and prevent the production of the natural lipids that cause acne. In addition, stress leads to the production of excess sebum, which causes the appearance of acne. Lack of adequate sleep also disrupts the proper functioning of insulin in our body, leading to increased blood sugar levels, which is another major cause of acne. Hence, adequate sleep is a must to avoid all these skin problems.


Promotes a Healthy Glow

The adage about restful sleep is not a myth. It is true that sleep helps restore the skin’s natural balance and keeps skin cells hydrated and elastic. So if the body is deprived of sufficient sleep, the skin becomes dull, dehydrated, and more sensitive. Skin cells are renewed during sleep, giving the skin a healthy, youthful glow.

Prevent Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles and bags under our eyes make us look very tired and dull. This is mainly due to depriving the body of enough sleep. You have probably tried many expensive skin care products to get rid of dark circles under your eyes but to no avail. These unwanted spots on the facial skin can be eliminated if you give your body enough rest every day.

Prevent Skin Diseases

Doctors and researchers believe that some skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema are a result of lack of sleep. So prevent these dreaded skin diseases by getting at least eight hours of rest a day.


Enhancing the Benefits of Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic products, especially those we apply before bed, are most effective when we are in deep sleep. The rich ingredients in these products can penetrate deep into the pores of the skin and work accordingly in the third phase of sleep, the delta phase, ensuring healthy, flushed skin.

Well-functioning Immune System

A good night’s sleep is also important for the proper functioning of our body’s immune system. When we sleep, our body does not experience emotional stress and therefore has the opportunity to repair damaged skin cells much more effectively. Getting enough sleep is therefore the be-all and end-all for flawless and naturally radiant skin.

Here are some of the key links between healthy sleep and glowing skin. Getting enough sleep helps to have the same effect on our skin as after a non-surgical facelift. To maintain healthy habits and a proper lifestyle to keep your skin glowing.

Sleep apnoea is a very common problem nowadays, which also causes various skin problems. Learn more about the treatment options for sleep apnoea here. Also, learn how applying a good moisturiser can significantly help in the treatment of sleep apnoea.

You can experience inner beauty when you learn to have lucid dreams and take control of your dream world. Be, do and achieve what you want in a dream state that feels real.