How To Handle a Not-So-Friendly Roommate

Life tips: Ways of living with a difficult roommate
Life tips:Ways of living with a difficult roommate

Students who aren’t used to sharing a room may fail to reach an agreement with their housemates. In addition, students may find it difficult to establish rules that work for everyone due to differences in personality, friends, or study and party routines. Students who are living in an unsuitable living situation, on the other hand, should not suffer in silence. Experts advise students to try the following techniques to resolve roommate problems.

Table of Content:

  1. What’s the bone of contention?
  2. Compromising in every step can help!
  3. Peaceful discussion can solve any rift!
  4. Know your civil duties

Hostel life is of two types; either fun and enjoyment or utterly boring. If you get a roommate that matches your wavelength, then your hostel life will be amazing, and you will not forget these few years for the rest of your life. Some roommates even become family, and even after years of college, you still meet, chat, and have fun.

On the other hand, your boring hostel room becomes lively if you get a bunch of good friends there. You can decorate the whole room, study during those hours and have lots of fun all through the process. But at the same time, if you get a boring roommate whose wavelength doesn’t match yours, the whole experience becomes negative.

Let’s face it, no matter how much we try, and we have to encounter some of these people whose wavelength never matches ours. This article is all about handling roommate problems and how to dodge them when you do not want any obligation in your hostel life.

What’s the bone of contention? 

First of all, you need to identify the reason behind the unwanted animosity between you two. There are primarily three reasons available;

❖ You two do not have anything in common to talk about and share.

❖ She doesn’t like some of your habits and vice versa.

❖ There must be something she doesn’t like about your decorating the room.

If you can identify the reason, it may solve the problem too. For example, she might understand your point of view, and maybe everything happened just because of some miscommunication! So, identifying the problem can be important to fix that.

Compromising in every step can help!

Compromise is the key to happiness in every sphere of life. You are merely going to spend a year or so in the room. Do you want the memories of your stay as harsh and rough? There’s always a middle way, and you have to take it. You need to understand that you will face people who will not like you no matter how good you are to them in life. You have to dodge these people, and at the same time, you cannot be bitchy about them.

If you know the reason behind your animosity, try not to repeat those things. For example, if you both are not comfortable sharing the kitchen or the common room, you can create a pact and a schedule. Do not face each other and complete your due work as per the schedule, and you do not need to face each other. Simple!

Peaceful discussion can solve any rift! 

Sometimes, discussing things can solve tons of problems. If you are not uncomfortable talking to each other, tell her your problems, and she might tell her side of the story. If you do not like her friends, imagine how she feels about your friends! She may not like you bringing your friends to your room and party till midnight!

See, when you stay with someone, you have to adjust a bit and thus, talking is important. Keeping everything within you and not bringing anything to the daylight won’t solve any problem.

Know your civil duties

It is not possible that everyone you meet in your life becomes your friend. Some may not like you, and some want to stay as acquaintances. That’s pretty understandable. Though you cannot be friends, you can at least keep a civil relationship with the person.

Do not make her uncomfortable, and maintain a schedule that gives her enough space even when you are in the same room. Everyone can’t mix up easily; give them time and space. We all face such situations at least once, but stay civil and pass a year peacefully.