Read Your Birth Chart: How do I understand a birth chart?

"I will look on the stars and look on thee, and read the page of thy destiny." - Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Read Your Birth Chart

What is a birth chart in astrology?

A birth chart, also known as a birth card, is essentially an astrological chart that shows the cosmos at the time of your birth. A birth chart takes this information at a specific time and presents it in a pie chart, divided into different parts of the sky with all the zodiac signs and planets. But according to astrologers, a horoscope is more than a snapshot of the stars: it can also be used as a “map to help you understand yourself”, according to astrologers. “The birth chart is based on the time, date, and place of birth, and no two are the same; that’s what makes it so special and unique,” Birth Chart helps you find meaning and direction in your life.

Starting a birth chart:

First things first: You need your birth time. Creating an accurate birth chart is necessary because certain points in your chart depend entirely on it. If you can’t find out your birth time, you can get a pretty good idea of the sign of each of your planets, but some elements of your chart will be incomplete without a birth time.

You will then need to enter your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth into a birth chart calculator. There are many free birth chart calculators on the internet, or you can use an astrology app to create your chart. Once your birth chart appears, you will get to know it because it is a pie chart with many lines, symbols, and numbers, which can seem confusing. But let’s go through the main elements that make it up so you have a better idea of what you’re looking at.

Here it is – The houses in astrology:

Next, we have another important group of 12 segments of your zodiac chart: the 12 houses, that represent different areas of life. Each house represents a part of your life and yourself, and these areas become more complex, interactive, and even esoteric as you move through the houses.

The birth chart is divided into 12 segments called “HOUSES”.

Each house represents a particular part of life and embodies particular energy, and the location of each house tells you more about who you are. When looking at the houses, we start at the centre of the zodiac wheel (at the point marked 1 or AC) and work our way anti-clockwise from the first to the twelfth house. The rules of each house are described below. Knowing this will help you understand how the houses of a particular sign affect your life.

Zodiac Wheel: Read Your Birth Chart

First House /Ascendant/AC sign: The first house is often referred to as the “ruler” of the birth chart and determines how others see or view you. It is often the mask we wear in front of the world. The face and side of us that others perceive first. Your Sun sign is probably also the one you are most familiar with: It is the answer you would give if someone asked you, “What is your sign?”.

Second House: The 2nd house represents material possessions, personal wealth, and self-confidence.

Third House: The third house describes how we communicate, our relationships with siblings and roommates, our early education (through high school), and our local travels.

Fourth House: The fourth house is the area of the subject that deals with home (the physical dwelling and life behind the scenes of public life), personal views, family, traditions, and ancestors.

Fifth House: The 5th house represents creativity, casual love, love at first sight, flirting, risk-taking, fun, and entertainment.

Sixth House: The 6th house represents personal health, daily routines, pets (dogs, cats, fish, etc.), and co-workers.

Seventh House/Descendant/DC: The 7th house is the area of the chart that indicates ALL associations and relationships (current, former, and friends), enemies, and contracts.

Eighth House: The eighth house is the home of intuition, transformation, debt, power, and growth.

Ninth House: The 9th house represents philosophy, higher education (university and beyond), long-distance travel, and the law.

Tenth House/Medium Heaven/MC (Latin for “middle heaven”): The 10th house indicates the public position, career, and patronage.

Eleventh House: The 11th house indicates how you feel about your acquaintances, your class, your humanitarian projects and aspirations, and your hopes.

Twelfth House: The twelfth house represents our unconscious desires, punishments, mental health, addiction, imprisonment, punishment, secret relationships and enemies, magic, large pets (such as farm animals), and anything hidden from others.

Important Planets:

We wouldn’t be talking about astrology, of course, if we didn’t mention some of the most important players in the cosmos: the planets. In astrology, there are 10 major planets (including the Sun and Moon), and each one represents a different part of us. The planets are the ‘vibrations’ of our lives that describe how we achieve, maintain, and accomplish things,” explains Stardust. You can read the astrological meaning of each planet here to understand it better.

Each planet represents a different type of energy. Depending on the position of the planet in the birth chart, the house has a certain brightness.

The Sun

The Sun or zodiac sign represents the will, ego, and determination of a person.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional side, relationship to maternal influence, education, and memories.


All communication, siblings, travel, news, information, and gossip.


How we give and receive love to others and ourselves (and how we care for others and ourselves), money, art, music, pleasure, social comfort, and sensual desires.


How we act, persevere, assert ourselves, our sexual urges, and arguments.


Education, expansion, investments, happiness, legal systems, and world views.


Rules, authority, karma, obligation, and the link to the father figure in our lives.


Technology, rebellion, innovation, surprises, unique events, and revolution. 


Confusion, illusions, fears, dreams, inspiration, glamour, and spirituality.


Transformation, passions, power struggles, and triangular situations.

Northern Node of Destiny/True Node

The energy you are meant to attract and try to bring into your current vibration in this lifetime.

South Node of Destiny

The energy from your past life that you are to detach from in this life.

The signs of the zodiac

If you are wondering what your zodiac sign is, look to see where your birth date is on the list of the 12 signs of the zodiac. If you were born on a day when the Sun changes from one sign to another – this is called the cusp – you will need your birth time to determine your Sun sign.

  1. Capricorn – ♑ : 22 December – 20 January
  2. Aquarius – ♒ : 21 January – 18 February
  3. Pisces – ♓ : 19 February – 20 March
  4. Aries – ♈ : March 21 – April 20
  5. Taurus – ♉ : April 21 – May 21
  6. Gemini – ♊ : 22 May – 21 June
  7. Cancer – ♋ : 22 June – 22 July
  8. Leo – ♌ : 23 July – 23 August
  9. Virgo – ♍ : 24 August – 22 September
  10. Libra – ♎ : 23 September – 23 October
  11. Scorpio – ♏ : 24 October – 22 November
  12. Sagittarius – ♐ : 23 November – 21 December
signs of the zodiac

Each sign of the zodiac is assigned different characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and each is represented by its own symbol.

Capricorn ♑︎ (22 December – 20 January): In ancient mythology, Capricorn is represented by a sea-goat with fins and a tail.

The sea goat is a sign of Capricorn’s ambivalent nature: on the one hand, he is industrious, stubborn, and determined, which is embodied by the “half” of the goat in the glyph.

On the other hand, Capricorns have an emotional side that they hide from everyone – this is represented by the hidden fishtail of the oxfish.

Aquarius ♒︎ (21 January – 18 February): The water in the Aquarius glyph represents the water flowing from the water bearer’s jug in this constellation.

This represents the Aquarian’s innate gift for understanding the energy around them. People born in the Aquarius date range are assertive and analytical.

Pisces ♓︎ (19 February – 20 March): The Pisces glyph represents two fishes connected and moving in opposite directions, which indicates how people of this sign feel connected to their surroundings.

Aries ♈︎ (March 21 – April 20): Aries is known to be passionate, fiery, and argumentative, so it is no wonder that it is symbolised by Aries.

The “V” glyph for Aries represents the horns of the dominant animal of the sign, although some also interpret the symbol as a fountain spewing a jet of water upwards.

Water represents the energy of youth and the strong sense of identity and awareness that Aries brings

This is related to character traits such as determination, high energy, and a way of acting with conviction.

Taurus ♉︎ (April 21 – May 21): Being known for their tenacity, it is logical that those who belong to the sign Taurus are represented by a bull glyph.

These horns are said to represent the additional sensory organs of the Taurus, for Taurus are more in touch with their senses than any other sign of the zodiac.

Taurus represents hard work, slow and steady persistence, and security. It is the persistent nurturer of the zodiac.

Gemini ♊︎ (22 May – 21 June): Gemini is represented by the glyph of Gemini, which indicates the two faces of those who fall under this air sign.

This can have a positive effect, allowing Gemini to see both sides of a situation, or they may feel conflicted by opposing viewpoints.

Gemini can be intelligent, adaptable, and charming, but can also have nervous and indecisive traits.

Like light and dark, yin and yang, neither side of Gemini can exist without the other.

Cancer ♋︎ (22 June – 22 July): The glyphic image consists of two parallel symbols joined to form a sideways “69”, and is meant to represent the claws of a Cancer or the breast of a woman.

Like the claws of a crab, crabs do not let go of things easily once they have latched onto something, such as ideas, goals, and relationships.

Leo ♌︎ (23 July – 23 August): Passionate, enthusiastic, and ambitious, it is no wonder that Leos are represented by a lion.

In this glyph, the lion is represented, with the circle representing the body and the curved shape representing the mane and tail of the feline.

Virgo ♍︎ (24 August – 22 September): The astrological sign of Virgo is associated with an organisation, good communication, and great intelligence.

Centuries ago, when astrologers read the shapes in the stars, they decided that the Virgo glyph represented an “unbroken” virgin woman. Some say this is represented by an “M” for “virgin”, while others interpret the crossed bow as the closed legs of a chaste virgin.

Libra ♎︎ (23 September – 23 October): The charming, charismatic and affable Libra likes to find balance in all aspects of life, as symbolised by this abstract glyph.

Some say that this glyph shows Libra symbolizing the search for harmony and balance.

Scorpio ♏︎ (24 October – 22 November): This glyph looks like the letter “M” with an arrow coming from the right.

In fact, this shape is mostly associated with the scorpion’s spirit animal, the scorpion, and the arrow represents the insect’s stinger.

The scorpion is known for its passion, tenacity, and fieriness, making it an appropriate symbol for a scorpion.

Sagittarius ♐︎ (23 November – 21 December): It is quite clear that the Sagittarius glyph represents an arrow. The symbolic value of this arrow shows that Sagittarians have a goal or ambition and pursue their dreams.

They are also known to have high ideals and often shoot for the moon when trying to live their lives idealistically.

The symbol represents how people who fall under the sign of Pisces feel connected to others in the vast sea of the universe.