Top 5 tips to protect your skin from the sea and sun in summer?

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protect your skin from the sea and sun in summer

Today’s topic is very important to all our beloved readers and is the top five tips to protect your skin in summer in the hot sun and protect the skin by the presence at the beaches the sea and pools, which is without a doubt that with the approach of summer and direct sun exposure at beaches and pools the skin is exposed to many problems such as dehydration and irritation. Therefore, it is up to all of you to protect and moisturise your skin to avoid being exposed to such problems. So here are some effective tips on how to keep your skin beautiful and avoid summer problems.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Naturally, the body loses moisture in summer due to the high temperatures, so you must stay hydrated. Handling fluids in large quantities will help keep your skin moisturised and soft and supple.

Use Sunscreen

Skincare specialists advise using sunscreen regularly during the summer, especially when exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can damage and dry out the skin. Therefore, try not to expose yourself to the sun between 11 am and 4 pm, as this is the time when the sun’s rays are strongest and most damaging to the skin. Experts have also advised not to expose yourself to the sun immediately after sunset, but wait 30 minutes to be a protective layer on the skin, and also worked option mask is very useful for the skin.

The Use Of Toner

Toner is one of the most important skincare options through a daily routine, it works to tighten the pores and soften the skin. But you choose the right kind for you, you can also use the best kind, natural rose water is full of benefits for your skin, it soothes the skin and is very suitable in summer.

The Use Of Skin Moisturisers

protect your skin- The Use Of Skin Moisturisers

Skin professionals around the world take care of the moisturising cream of the most important means of care for your skin, especially during the summer advise, it is necessary to maintain hydration. In summer, make sure you drink watery, and non-greasy drinks.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks

In summer, most people tend to consume cold soft drinks to beat the heat and thirst. But remember that these drinks are full of sugar and this not only harms the body but also hurts the skin. Instead of these unhealthy drinks, you can replace them with water or certain fruit or lemon juices. Tea and coffee should also be avoided as they undermine the fluid content of the body.